Wednesday, December 23, 2009

31 Weeks

December 17, 2009

First of all, I forgot to mention in my last post that Trey's Dad got to go to an ultrasound with us! We just happened to have one scheduled the day he arrived and we were so excited to get to share a part of the pregnancy directly with our family as we have felt the strain of being far away from them through this amazing time in our lives. The technician was really kind this time and answered all of our questions. At that point (Dec. 11) the babies both weighed a little over 3 pounds which made me feel a bit more validated about being so sluggish. After all, I am carrying the weight of a normal full term baby plus all of the extra fluid and goodies that go along with having two babies.

We had my favorite ultrasound moment during this scan. I was asking about the position of the babies. The tech said one (the girl who is lower) was breech and the boy (who is up by my ribs) was mostly transverse. He did have his head angled down so that both babies were face to face. She zoomed out and it looked like they were looking right at each other. ADORABLE! She said she couldn't get a picture because the babies were getting too big. I don't exactly understand that but I guess they just don't have the equipment they do at home.

The weekend prior to this picture Trey's Dad was in town. I had started to feel a little tickle in my throat and throughout the week it turned into a full blown cold. I felt awful and could only sleep sitting up. It was strange because normally when I'm sick I feel better when I sleep but I awoke every hour through the night and when I would get up in the morning I felt much worse than when I had gone to bed. On this day I had to get dressed to go to the doctor and it happened to be on the day I turned 32 weeks so I sucked it up and took a picture to document this moment in my pregnancy. Hopefully I won't be sick the rest of the pregnancy. I am sad to say, I gave Trey my cold.

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