Monday, April 5, 2010


So I have to say, other than having the sweetest babies (and thanks to their fashionable grandparents some of the best dressed) on the planet, we had a bit of a disappointing Easter. We got up early, got everyone ready and out the door with even time for pictures and made it in time to catch the bus. The bus, however, was being diverted around our stop and after paying full fare to go less than a stop we were informed we would have to walk the mile to church. Not usually such a big deal but because we weren’t going to walk very far I had decided to start breaking my feet back into my spring shoes. They were not prepared to walk a mile and I ended up with 5 bleeding blisters. The service was very well done, however, we didn’t realize that the service we were attending was one of the family services and we were both really looking forward to a good Easter sermon. There was a skit instead and I would have loved it if the babies were old enough to enjoy it. We did get to talk to most of Trey’s family at the same time on Skype which is always a pleasure and lifts our spirits. Ultimately, I think we are just getting homesick. Neither of us had ever gone 8 months without going home, frankly I don’t think I had gone more than 4 or 5 without being in Houston and we would see family that visited us in the meantime. We know we have at least another 4 months to go but I think on daily basis we say our top things we want to do when we get home.

Mine are:
1. Have all our family in the same room (minus Bill, Beth and Alex who we would have to settle for Skype with.)
2. Go to one of our Southern Baptist Churches with Sunday School and everything.
3. Be reunited with my dog, Anna.
4. Drive a car.
5. Eat some queso and kolatches.
6. Swim in my Mom’s back yard.
7. Live only with people I am related to.
8. Use my very own kitchen appliances and china… oh how I miss my kitchen aid.
9. Live in a house with a toilet I don’t have to pump and sinks that mixes the hot and cold water for me.
10. Pay for everything in dollars.


mamabama said...

Awwwwww!!!! And we cannot wait for you to come home and do those things.

marty h said...

Would you be willing to go to a Southern Baptist church that has Sunday Bible Study instead of Sunday School? :)

Tricia Thompson said...

I'm sorry Easter was not everything you thought it would be. Just think of the stories you will have for Tate and Elianna Grace. :). I'm so proud of you and Trey. This was a big deal to have done. Soak every thing up!

Unknown said...

We are soooooo looking forward to your coming home and doing all those things on your list and a whole bunch more! We can't wait to see you and to hold those darling babies. What a great experience to have lived in London for awhile. You will always have great memories of that.

But - queso awaits!! Currency in dollars awaits!!! Lots of loving hugs await! Love you!