Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Rolling Over

A couple of weeks ago Ellie figured out how to roll over from her back to her tummy.  When she accomplished this task she immediately forgot how to roll from her tummy to her back which both she and Tate have been able to do since the first time they were placed on their tummy when they were two weeks old and we got them home from the hospital.  She doesn't like to be on her tummy, especially when she is tired.  She drops her pacifier in her sleep and thinks that if she gets on her tummy she will get her pacifier.  This is probably my fault due to the fact that her pacifier was such a good motivator for her movement I would let her struggle to get to her pacifier and once she either reached the point of total frustration or made it to her tummy I would reward her (or pacify her.)

The point: She now wakes herself up stuck on her tummy, gets mad, screams, wakes Tate up and the whole family is anxiously awaiting for her to remember how to roll back over... or get her pacifier to her mouth.  Either one.  :-)

Here are some pics, they aren't great but there have been complaints so take whatcha get.

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