Friday, July 2, 2010

Medley’s Daily Schedule

5:30 AM Wake up

  • Trey - Feed Babies/Change Babies/Put babies back down

  • Sarah – Boil water and Wash Bottles/Bring Bumbo chairs down to kitchen

6:00 AM Sarah – Shower/Get Ready

6:15 AM Trey – Shower/Get Ready

6:45 AM Set out breakfast for House Guests

7:00 AM Trey – Eat and Work in Classroom

  • Sarah – Eat/Set 10 up Bottles/Make Bed/Set up bedroom for play time

8:00 AM Sarah – Babies wake up/Play time with babies in Bedroom

8:30 AM Trey – Put away breakfast from house guests

8:45 AM Trey – Back to work in classroom

9:30 AM Sarah – Bring babies downstairs: Solid Food in Bumbo seats

10:00 AM Trey – Help Sarah bring babies and bumbo seats back upstairs then back to the classroom to work

Sarah – Feed babies in bouncy seats

10:30 AM Sarah – Change babies then babies play

11:30 AM Nap (Ahh, sounds like a break but it's a trick.  What really happens is I alternate soothing babies back to sleep while they trade off waking up fussing for an hour and a half.)

1:00 PM Trey – Playtime with Babies

Sarah – Make lunch for Trey and I/Eat

2:00 PM Sarah – Feed Babies

  • Trey – Classroom to work

2:30 PM Change Babies

3:00 PM Walk (babies nap in stroller)/Errands (Mostly consists of buying breakfast groceries for 20 people)

5:00 PM Sarah and Trey – Play time with babies/tummy time for babies/check email (This is their fussy time of day.  Our new trick is to sit on the couch, let the babies stand on our laps and look out the window.  It is low key enough not to overtire them and interesting enough because we live on a busy street they will do it for about 30 min.)

6:00 PM Sarah and Trey – Feed babies

6:30 PM Sarah – Sets up bath

  • Trey – Prepares Ellie for Bath

6:35 PM Sarah – Bathes Ellie

  • Trey – Prepares Tate for Bath

6:40 PM Sarah - Bathes Tate

  • Trey – Massage and swaddle Ellie
6:45 PM Sarah sings and rocks Ellie
  • Trey – Massage and Swaddle Tate
6:50 PM Sarah sings and rocks Tate
  • Trey prays and reads bed time Bible story
7:00 PM Sarah - Go down to make dinner

7:30 PM Dinner

8:00 PM TV/Computer Hour

9:00 PM Flat Hunt (via Internet)

10:00 PM Feed Babies

10:30 PM Get ready for bed and straighten up

11:00 PM Bed

In the middle of all of that we answer the door and phone a million times a day and all kinds of questions like can I get a new sheet, can you show me how to email my son, can we get raisen bread for breakfast...

I love them but I can't wait to hand them to their Grandparents and just lie down.


Heather Simpson said...

What an organized Mommy you are! It sounds like you've really gotten the hang of this "twin thing!!" They are beautiful!! I hope all is well with you and Trey!!

Bill said...

You guys are doing a great job: Just look how happy they are! I'm glad they will go back down after their 5 a.m.-ish feeding. Alex wants to stay up and play! Awesome pic of the twins at the bottom!

marty h said...

One thing is missing in this schedule - nap for Mum and Dad!