Friday, January 22, 2010

Jan Term is Over and Braxton Hicks Have Begun

Today we sent a total of 84 students and professors home from winter term. We had 10 helpers stay to clear out the rooms and get the laundry to the laundry service. There were a total of 21 garbage bags of laundry that went out and came back today. When it came back we had to put mattress pads back on all the beds and the bed spreads into the armoires in the rooms then get the rooms ready for the spring students. Tomorrow we have a cleaning service come in and have the carpets cleaned. Sunday we have a real day off with an empty house and then Monday we will have contractors around for estimates on work that needs to be done.

Monday is also a big day for Trey because he has his 6 month review. He has finished the first 9,700 words of his thesis and he will get to go over it with his advisor and second reader.

Two nights ago I started getting Braxton Hicks contractions. They continued until this afternoon getting more regular but this afternoon slowed down again. The babies did seem to drop so hopefully they are getting ready to make their debut close to their due date next week!


mamabama said...

Wow. I thought your due date was 2/4. That would be two weeks. I bet they are not going to wait that long. I love, love love you.

Unknown said...

Won't be long now!! We are so excited for you all. Love to you.